Food for thought: What would you do if you get laid off?
Here’s something to give a little thought to: Or, maybe I should say, here’s something you should give a little thought to: What would happen if tomorrow, when you went to work, you found you no longer had a job? How would you handle that? And I’m referring to whether or not you have savings set aside to keep you afloat until you found another job. It’s the ‘another job’ issue I want to address here. Say you had to hit the streets tomorrow, unemployed, and needed to get back to work as soon as possible. Chances are, most of us aren’t prepared for that. Do you have a current resume, or would you be in panic mode trying to put one together? What’s the current job market like for the work you do? Is it in demand? You might be the best there is at what you do where you’re employed right now, but that doesn’t help you much if there isn’t anybody looking to hire in that capacity. Are the skills you have up to date by today’s standards, and are they marketable? Are you aware of what transferable skills are and how they might apply to you?
With the job market the way it is today, (lousy), it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to give the above mentioned questions some thought and consideration. Job security isn’t what it was a decade or two ago, and it’s always better to be prepared for the worst, while hoping for the best. Take a few minutes to honestly assess your selling points and what your weakness are, and bases on all of the above, would it be difficult to find employment within a short period of time? If the answer to that is ‘no’, then maybe it’s time to start thinking about upgrading what you do know with some education or classes. Many employers will cover the cost of classes if they relate to the job you do and having them under your belt when your annual review comes up won’t hurt either.
Written by Ronald J. Morse
For more information on finding employment: www.absoluteknowitall.com
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